We have some great news! First off, we hired a project manager and teacher! Thank you all so much for praying with us over the past few months. Chomron and his wife, Liedat are now out at the school prepping and getting things ready and adjusting to life on the water. Chomron and his four siblings grew up at the orphanage we ran for several years here in Cambodia. He got married in February. Liedat has been working the past two years as a kindergarten teacher in her home village. Chomron came to help install the electrical wiring in the school and we realized our prayers were answered! We are so grateful for them! (Photo #1).
The second piece of great news is that the floating school was moved to Kbal Taol a couple days ago! It took three boats, two pulling and one pushing, and eight hours to cover the 20+ miles across the lake. God blessed us with a beautiful day with no wind or waves. The villagers even commented on how unusually calm the waters were.
The village chief was visibly shocked when he saw the school and said he had never seen anything like it. He kept saying how beautiful it was. When we arrived in the village he called others to help and with a few small boats they guided the school into place with ease. It was amazing to watch. (Photo #2 & 3)
When meeting with some local government officials they asked us if we could help them by building bathrooms for the public school there in the village. Currently, the government school has an outhouse hanging over the edge of the water at each end of the building. We built an eight stall floating bathroom and gave it to the village as a gift. (Photo #4)
First nightly visitor to the school. Green viper. (Photo #5)
We would love to include you when we send videos and other photos via WhatsApp. If you load WhatsApp on your phone and send us a message we will include you in that. Our number is listed below.
Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer and support. If you are not yet supporting us and would like to do so, we would be so grateful! https://cambodia316.orggive-2/