Hello from Cambodia! We have had a busy couple of months with Christmas, weddings, visitors and the start of the school year here! School of Hope is now up and running with Kindergarten and 1st grade classes. The school year here in Cambodia runs from January through October. First grade is nearly full and kindergarten currently has about 20 students. We have been on a steep learning curve as things here are pretty chaotic. Our greatest desire is to help the extremely poor families near the school. The village chief asked that we locate the school on the upriver side of the village as it is where the poorest people live. Below are a couple photos of families who live right next to the school with children who can attend but had not enrolled yet. They deal with many poverty related life issues. Chomron and Liedat, our staff, have been persistent in visiting them and we had asked many of you to pray for both families. Our repeated attempts to get them to enroll their children were unsuccessful until just a couple days ago!! Both moms arrived with their kids in tow and two of the children are now at school! God is making a way. Thank you for praying with us, encouraging us and for being a part of what God is doing here on the Tonle Sap. As a reminder, we often send videos and photos via WhatsApp. If you’d like to be included in those updates send us a quick text using WhatsApp at +855 81 206 356. |